PVC Pipe Machine For Sale
 | Kabra PVC Pipe Line Kabra make PVC pipe line for sale. It can produce PVC pipes from 110 to 400mm size. It has 500 ton output capacity per month. Sangrur - Punjab 91-9815538661 |
 | Kabra PVC Pipe Extruder Machine We wish to buy Kabra make twin PVC extruder. It should produce 200 KG plastic pipe on hourly basis. Maximum pipe size - 8 inch pipe. India |
 | PVC Pipe Plant 250 KG We want to sell PVC pipe making plant having extruder, sizer, mixer cooler, couple machine, screw barrel, air compressor. It has 250 KG output capacity. Rajkot - Gujarat |
 | Windsor PVC Pipe Plant We urgently require used PVC pipe plant to produce 8 inches / 200 mm pipe. our preferred brand is Kabra / Windsor PVC pipe line. India |
 | Kabra PVC Twin Screw Pipe Plant For sale Kolsite parallel twin PVC extruder. It can produce maximum 200 KG per hour. Size - 200 mm / 8 inch pipe. Year - 2001. Make - Kabra. Model - 65-22V. Surat - Gujarat |
 | Windsor Twin Screw PVC Pipe Extruder We need second hand twin screw extruder for PVC pipe manufacturing. Machine capacity should be 200 KG and above. We prefer Windsor make machine. India |
 | Windsor PVC Pipe Plant For Conduit Pipe We wish to sale 19 - 50 mm PVC pipe pipe making plant with full downstream equipment. Make - Windsor. Model - RC100. It is 30 year old machine and produce 35 KG per hour. Price - Rs. 5 Lacs + Tax. Rajahmundry - Andhra Pradesh |
 | Second Hand PVC Pipe Extruder We need twin screw extruder for PVC pipe manufacturing. Machine capacity should be 200 KG and above. India |
 | Secondhand Electrical Pipe Making Machine We wish to buy used PVC electrical conduit pipe making machine. India |
 | Single Screw PVC Pipe Machine We need used single screw PVC pipe machine having 100 KG capacity and can produce 2 to 6 inches pipe. India |
 | Kabra UPVC Pipe Plant For sale UPVC pipe plant having
180 KG per hour production capacity. Make - Kabra. Size - 1/2 inch to 8 inch pipe. Year - 2008. Guwahati - Assam |
 | PVC Pipes Machines For sale PVC pipe machine with complete set of tools is available in working condition. We have 2 plant and it is 3 year old. Price - Rs. 30 Lacs. Jalgaon - Maharashtra |
 | Kabra PVC Rigid Pipe Plant For sale PVC rigid pipe making machine with high speed mixer laboratory equipment. Make - Kabra. Year - 2012. It is hardly used plant. Price - Rs. 24 Lacs Nashik - Maharashtra |
 | Windsor KTS 200 PVC Extruder We wish to purchase used Windsor KTS 200 / 250 PVC pipe making machine. We need plastic extruder with necessary equipment. India |
 | PVC Pipe Making Machine 16 To 90 MM We require PVC pipe making machine. It should have 65 MM extruder and having 50 to 60 KG per hour output capacity. India |
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